Assista sobre o DB2 no youtube

Rav ahuja tem postado entrevistas em videos com arquitetos do DB2 Viper 2 no youtube.
Isto faz parte do “A voz da comunidade DB2“, uma serie de podcast.

You pode encontrar todos os videos no canal de DB2 no youtube. Os videos estão também disponiveis na rede social do canal do DB2.

Agradeço pela informação a John P. Kennedy e Susan Visser.

Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho

The future of C++

In a rare public talk, C++ creator Dr. Bjarne Stroustrup discusses his ideal in programming languages, as well how he sees the next version (and beyond) of C++ developing. He explains the general selection criteria used for adding new features, some of the legacy of C++, and many other interesting topics. Especially interesting is during the Q&A he explains his views of the embrace and extend mentality some implementations, such as VC++, have taken.

I saw this news on Slashdot – The future of C++ as seen by its creator.


* Do you think you’ll ever design a new language from scratch?
* How long after the standard is out do you expect to see a production compiler ?
* Is it possible to do garbage collection cleanly and efficiently in C++ ?
* How soon after you created C++ did you see it start to take over the industry ?
* Is there any particular naming convention you subscribe to?
* What’s your opinion about the Microsoft implementation of C++ ?

Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho