GlassFish after Oracle acquisition

I have heard a lot of people worry about the future of Java, MySQL, Netbeans and GlassFish after that Oracle acquired Sun.

Today I read Adam Bien’s Weblog :

…Oracle GlassFish Server is part of the Oracle Fusion Middleware application grid portfolio and is ideally suited for applications requiring lightweight infrastructure with the most up-to-date implementation of enterprise Java, Java EE 6, and Java Web services. Oracle GlassFish Server complements Oracle WebLogic Server, which is designed to run the broader portfolio of Oracle Fusion Middleware and large-scale enterprise applications…”Read the whole paper.

I admire Sun. They created those awesome products such as Java, Netbean, GlassFish, VirtualBox and son on, however I have to admit that Sun business model wasn’t working.

If you still believe that Sun business model worked, answer me, why did shareholder approve to sale Sun to Oracle?

Do you sell your company or company share if it is still profit?

No, I don’t. I just sell it if I have losses.

I’m not concerned about the future of Java, MySQL, Netbeans and GlassFish, however I make sure that Oracle will change the business model behind of these products.

I advise Oracle to keep up the open source communities that maintain these products so beloved by developers and open source enthusiast; however Oracle need to profit through these products. To keep an open source product alive, they need to spend money.

I advise Oracle to keep up the open source communities that maintain these products so beloved by developers and open source enthusiast

How much does IBM spend to keep Geronimo community active? There are a couple of IBM employees working on this open source project.

How much did Sun spend to keep GlassFish or Netbeans community active? There were a couple of Sun employees working on this open source project too.

How much will Oracle spend to keep GlassFish or Nebeans community push on? There are many Sun-Oracle employees working on this open source project too.

In a successful manner open source projects such as Eclipse, Linux, and so forth survive nowadays, because there are a lot of companies investing money, time, and resources in these products. For instance, a couple of IBM Rational products are based on Eclipse. How many companies release hardware and software products based on Linux?

All those companies that are investing in open source products are interested for some reason on these open source products, I can bet the reason is these open source products are helping their business model.

Open source products are helping their business model.

I think Oracle plans the same to GlassFish. The same that IBM does about Geronimo or WebSphere Application Server Community Edition (based on Geronimo).

The same that Red Hat does about its Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora as well as SUSE pair does on SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE.

I’m not worry about, since now Oracle GlassFish Server is part of the Oracle Fusion Middleware application grid portfolio. As Java developer and Architect I really support that Oracle and IBM offer for purchase their application servers and spread their Java portfolio.

I really want that Oracle to keep up the open source communities that maintain these products so beloved by developers and open source enthusiast, and also improve them (products and communities)

Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho

Getting started with Java EE and Websphere AS

If you need learning JEE ( Java Enterprise Edition) formerly J2EE with Wesphere Aplication Server, I really recommend the sources below:

Redbook – Experience Java EE! Using WebSphere Application Server Community Edition 2.1
This redbook is a hands-on guide to developing a comprehensive Java™ EE application
using WebSphere® Application Server Community Edition v2.1 (WASCE).
I recommend it who is interesting in developing JEE aplication.
It’s important to know that WebSphere® Application Server Community Edition v2.1 (WASCE) is basead on Apache Geronimo AS.

Redbook – WebSphere Application Server Community Edition 2.0 User Guide
This redbook takes you through the basics of using WebSphere® Application Server Community Edition V2 to run applications.
I recommend it who is interesting in administration of JEE aplication

Redpaper – WebSphere Application Server V7.0: Technical Overview
This redpaper is discussion centers on the runtime server component of WebSphere Application Server.
I recommend it who is interesting in administring JEE aplication, SysAdmin who is interesting in to know the new WAS v.7.

Redbook – WebSphere Application Server V7: Concepts, Planning and Design
This redbook discusses the concepts, planning, and design of WebSphere® Application
Server V7.0 environments. This book is aimed at IT architects and
consultants who want more information for the planning and designing of
application-serving environments, ranging from small to large, and
complex implementations.

IBM Education Assistant – Introduction to WebSphere Application Server V7
This presentation will provide a high-level of WebSphere Application Server V7.

If you wanna add some sources useful to us, leave a comment, please.


Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho

Servidores de Aplicação JEE

Eu estava fazendo uma busca por market share relacionado ao servidores de aplicação JEE. Não encontrei nada realmente conciso, mas posso dizer que o WebSphere AS e o Weblogic AS devam estar entre os lideres. Cheguei até a encontrar algo no google dizendo que nos Estados Unidos o WebLogic AS já teria passado a frente do WebSphere AS.

Vou colocar abaixo os application server que considero importante no Java Enterprise:

Se você quer saber sobre compatibilidade com qual versão do JEE, aconselho você seguir esses links:

Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho

O Geronimo está com os dias contados?

Eu já publiquei um post Cadê o WebSphere Application Server certificado em JEE 5.0

O artigo publicodo no TSS, Joseph Ottinger diz que em uma conversar com um anônimo que tem acompado o desenvolvimento de Geronimo application server, diz que os Geronimo AS está com os dias contados, e uma razão oferecida para isso seria o patrocínio da IBM, que possui várias committers no guadro de funcionários.

Um interessante aspecto é que o Geronimo AS é muito parecido com o Eclipse (na forma que foi concebido), e ele afirma que a inovação no Geronimo AS está sendo conduzida por 2 aspectos: aparentemente a IBM não quer investir na arquitetura do Geronimo AS e o outro aspecto é que a IBM quer proteger sua marca WebSphere AS.

Geronimo AS também conhecido com WebSphere Community Edition (WASCE), estava melhor do que sua versão paga e a IBM percebeu que o rendimento das lincença do WebSphere AS poderia secar completamente. Portando quando o Geronimo AS passou no teste de compatibilidade do JEE 5.0 em Maio de 2007, recursos que estava trabalhando no Geronimo AS foram alocados para trabalhar no WebSphere AS, enquanto competidores com o GlassFish AS conquista mercado a cada dia e outros competidores aumentam seus portifolios de projetos sem se preocupar com a compatibilidade com JEE (aqui ele está falando sobre o JBoss AS).

Como resultado o Geronimo AS está sendo agredido no bom e no mal, nos dois sentidos, a boa arquitetura foi declinada por causa da competição com o WAS 5.x e WAS 6.0 e o aumento do portifolio de produto foi focado no WAS 5.x e WAS 6.0 e em competidores externos.

Eu parei por aqui e recomendo a leitura completa do artigo, principalmente dos comentários.

Mas temos que levar algumas coisa junto com esse artigo. O WebSphere AS é líder de mercado até onde eu sei, não chego aqui no mérito se ele é o melhor AS JEE do mercado. o GlassFish AS para mim está se tornando cada dia mais um produto de alta visibilidade, embora isso não se reflita no Marketing share do application server da Sun o Sun Java System Application Server Platform, mas é claro que a Sun ganha muito com o GlassFish AS , principalmente tecnologicamente. É importante lembrar também que o JBoss AS ainda não é certificado JEE 5.0 assim com o WebSphere AS, então eles os executivos, mas do que nós devemos sabem se isso traz receita ou não.

Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho

Apache Geronimo 2.0: Certified Java EE 5 compatible

Apache Geronimo, an open-source Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) application server, recently released version 2.0.1. InfoQ took the opportunity to learn more about Apache Geronimo and where it fits into the application server space.

Apache Geronimo 2.0.1 is the first Java EE 5 compatible version of Geronimo, and the eighth Java application server to be certified as Java EE 5 compliant. Despite the version number, version 2.0.1 is the first release of the 2.x code branch – the 2.0 release was cancelled when a critical security problem was discovered. This version of Geronimo brings several major changes from the previous release:

  • EJB 3.0 supportApache OpenEJB and Apache OpenJPA are integrated into Geronimo
  • JAX-WS support – Both the Apache Axis2 and Apache CXF (formerly CeltiXFire) web services libraries are integrated into Geronimo, and which library is used is configurable
  • Two Java EE 5 certified configurations – Geronimo is Java EE 5 certified with both Apache Tomcat and Jetty as the configured web container
  • Lightweight configuration – Geronimo has a ‘Little G’ configuration which provides a web container and some Java EE components without the full overhead of a Java EE application server

Matt Hogstrom, chairman of the Apache Geronimo Project Management Committee, recently discussed the apparent low adoption rate of Geronimo, saying:

I think one of the issues we faced as a project is that we came to the J2EE game too late. You already had WebSphere and WebLogic dominating the commercial space and really JBoss was the only real dominant open source player. Geronimo came in to an already saturated market so getting people to run over to simply change was difficult.

Today we’re certified Java EE 5.0 before some commercial application servers as well as other open source servers. At this point I think we’re in on the beginning rather than coming late to the game. Its not going to be easy as people are comfortable with their app server choices from before but Geronimo is coming to the table early and has a good opportunity.

There are also questions about the future plans for Geronimo, including whether Geronimo will adopt the OSGi standard. Hogstrom said that migrating from Geronimo’s GBeans architecture poses some difficulties due to structural differences between it and OSGi, but that it was being discussed now that JSR 291 (the OSGi JSR) has been finalized.

This news comes from InfoQ.

Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho