Reading HTML5 and the future of Adobe Flash
Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho
Reading HTML5 and the future of Adobe Flash
Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho
Existem várias histórias de empreendedores de sucesso, mas temos que exaltar a iniciativa de alguns deles.
Meu camarada José Carlos Fiel veio me perguntar: “- To pensando em abrir minha empresa. Gostaria de saber de vc o que deve ser evitado e com o que tomar cuidado”.Bem, como eu sou meio que macaco-véio nesse lance de ter empresa (já tive 3), posso listar aqui o fiz de errado, para seu entretenimento (caso vc não seja esperto) ou para que vc se oriente (caso seja). Isso não é conselho, nem dica, nem nada disso. São apenas pontos que me fizeram dar boas cabeçadas e que agora, na terceira tentativa, estou procurando evitar.
Tá na hora de abrir sua própria empresa da Vedovelli
Através de um convite feito pelo meu amigo @vedovelli através do seu blog, obrigado pelo convite e parabéns pelo texto, vou expor rapidamente alguns pontos de vista que desenvolvi nesses quase 2 anos de empresa.
Tá na hora de abrir sua própria empresa da FlexDev.
É engraçado quando outras empresas nos ligam para saber sobre nossos cursos on-line ou sobre o Treina TOM. Todos acham que estamos em um grande centro, em plena avenida paulista e todos vestidos de ternos e gravatas, o ambiente cinza que muitas empresas que surgiram nos últimos 5 anos citam
Sobre o verdadeiro capital da e-Genial
Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho
Analyst predict Android phone sales will overtake iPhone by 2013, but I think it will happen sooner By Taylor Wimberly
Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho
Finalmente uma solução de cloud computing interessante
Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho
I have heard a lot of people worry about the future of Java, MySQL, Netbeans and GlassFish after that Oracle acquired Sun.
Today I read Adam Bien’s Weblog :
…Oracle GlassFish Server is part of the Oracle Fusion Middleware application grid portfolio and is ideally suited for applications requiring lightweight infrastructure with the most up-to-date implementation of enterprise Java, Java EE 6, and Java Web services. Oracle GlassFish Server complements Oracle WebLogic Server, which is designed to run the broader portfolio of Oracle Fusion Middleware and large-scale enterprise applications…”Read the whole paper.
I admire Sun. They created those awesome products such as Java, Netbean, GlassFish, VirtualBox and son on, however I have to admit that Sun business model wasn’t working.
If you still believe that Sun business model worked, answer me, why did shareholder approve to sale Sun to Oracle?
Do you sell your company or company share if it is still profit?
No, I don’t. I just sell it if I have losses.
I’m not concerned about the future of Java, MySQL, Netbeans and GlassFish, however I make sure that Oracle will change the business model behind of these products.
I advise Oracle to keep up the open source communities that maintain these products so beloved by developers and open source enthusiast; however Oracle need to profit through these products. To keep an open source product alive, they need to spend money.
I advise Oracle to keep up the open source communities that maintain these products so beloved by developers and open source enthusiast
How much does IBM spend to keep Geronimo community active? There are a couple of IBM employees working on this open source project.
How much did Sun spend to keep GlassFish or Netbeans community active? There were a couple of Sun employees working on this open source project too.
How much will Oracle spend to keep GlassFish or Nebeans community push on? There are many Sun-Oracle employees working on this open source project too.
In a successful manner open source projects such as Eclipse, Linux, and so forth survive nowadays, because there are a lot of companies investing money, time, and resources in these products. For instance, a couple of IBM Rational products are based on Eclipse. How many companies release hardware and software products based on Linux?
All those companies that are investing in open source products are interested for some reason on these open source products, I can bet the reason is these open source products are helping their business model.
Open source products are helping their business model.
I think Oracle plans the same to GlassFish. The same that IBM does about Geronimo or WebSphere Application Server Community Edition (based on Geronimo).
The same that Red Hat does about its Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora as well as SUSE pair does on SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE.
I’m not worry about, since now Oracle GlassFish Server is part of the Oracle Fusion Middleware application grid portfolio. As Java developer and Architect I really support that Oracle and IBM offer for purchase their application servers and spread their Java portfolio.
I really want that Oracle to keep up the open source communities that maintain these products so beloved by developers and open source enthusiast, and also improve them (products and communities)
Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho
GuyKawasaki provided postings of audio and video of his speeches that covered the topics of innovation and evangelism.
Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho
No pictures, not much text. Just 55 seconds until you’ve found your passion:
1. Ask Yourself – If I could do only one thing for the rest of my life, what would it be?
2. Blend It – If you could combine all your talents, into one thing that is extremely unique what would it be?
3. Reading– What is your favorite magazine to read, or your favorite show to watch? Often our passion is found in our favorite leisure activities.
4. Please Shut Up! – What is the one subject that you can’t stop talking about? That subject is your passion.
5. Who Do You Admire – Consider the people you admire most. In addition to their success, what is the platform that took them there? That platform is your passion.
Source: By Mike Michalowicz, Author of The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur
Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho
A dica de hoje foi dada por Mike Michalowicz no seu blog Toilet Paper Entrepreneur
Nada de figuras e quase nada de texto. Apenas 55 segundos até que você descubra sua verdadeira paixão:
Fonte: Sai do Lugar
Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho
O Parque Tecnológico de Sorocaba já movimenta investimentos correspondentes a quase R$ 50 milhões. São R$ 12 milhões empregados na compra em 2009 de um terreno de aproximadamente 2 milhões de metros quadrados.
Continue lendo no Jornal Cruzeiro do Sul – Investimentos já movimentam quase R$ 50 milhões
Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho
O blog do Academic Initiative IBM entrevistou o Cezar Taurin.
Veja a entrevista completa aqui.
Resumi e comentei as partes da entrevista que mais gostei.
> “Boi lerdo só bebe agua suja”…Veja o lado profissional. Se voce se mantiver na multidão e não se destacar, vai beber muita agua suja. Seja inovador, busque criar coisas novas.
Adorei essa máxima de parachoque de caminhão.
> blog: Na sua opinião, o que falta nos alunos IT?
> Cezar: Empreendedorismo…
Não só em alunos, com em profissionais também.
> blog: Sobre linguagens de programação, qual (is) tendência(s) para os próximos anos?
> Cezar: Como falei, escrevi programas em Cobol e Assembler. Recentemente me aventurei em Java, PHP e Python…brincadeiras e nada sério. Mas acredito que ao lado da Java, veremos as linguagens dinâmicas, voltadas à web, se disseminarem mais e mais. Estas linguages são PHP, Python, Perl e Ruby.
> blog: E o Java, ainda continua sendo um bom investimento para quem deseja aprender a tecnologia e entrar no mercado de trabalho?
>Cezar: Sim e vai continuar ppelas proximas geracoes. Como o Cobol…seu netinho vai programar em Java…
Concordo com o Cesar, Java vai continuar no mercado por muito tempo. Sobre as outras linguagens dinâmicas que estão surgindo eu aposto em PHP, Ruby, Python (nessa ordem de importância).
Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho